Oh Lord, I cry out to you!
Help heal my heart
It's breaking inside me...
being torn apart
Why can't I feel you
in this dark hour?
Where is your mercy?
Where is your power?
How can I heal
the wounds from my past?
How can you fill them
with a healing that lasts?
When will the past
stop deceiving me?
When will I allow you
to set me free?
Free from the lies
stored in my heart
Free from the me
that tears me apart
When will I start to see
what's honest and true?
When will I trust
and turn completely to you?
Give up the fight
that is raging within
Give up the need
to always win
Help me Lord,
look always to You
When I don't seem to know
what else to do
Help me remember
not to believe the lies
But instead see myself
through Your eyes
For with you on my side
I can do all things
I will find Your strength
and fly on eagles wings!