This tale begins on a blustery day
when hurricane Faye was coming our way.
The trees were bending under the wind,
under pelting rain, the houses were pinned.
Families were huddled inside to stay dry,
eagerly awaiting the storm to pass by.
When the worst of the storm did finally end,
Wesley was wanting to play with a friend.
We cautiously drove to go pick him up,
and that's when we found the little squirrel pup.
He was lying alone in the friends' front yard,
he'd fallen from a tree, and landed quite hard.
He seemed so tiny there on the front lawn,
we had no idea where his mother had gone.
I couldn't just leave him there, letting him die...
I decided to rescue him, to give it a try!
We brought him home wrapped in a shirt,
Hoping he wasn't too badly hurt.
We figured he was young, his eyes still closed,
we voted on names while the little guy dozed.
When it came time to eat, he acted reserved...
he had no interest in food, from what I observed.
On the second day though, he went to town...
greedily grasping, and gulping it down!
So far this is sounding perfectly fine,
I hate to interject and start to whine.....
but there is something about this you should know
in case you have a squirrel you want to help grow.
Plan on losing quite a bit of sleep
if this is a squirrel you decide to keep.
They eat every three hours, yes, that's right.
So guess who gets up with him all through the night!
Not the children who just had to keep him....
but the mom who gave into this reckless whim!
So I do the feedings at 12, 3 and 6.....
it's the best cure for the "I want a baby" fix!
It's a good thing he's a cute and cuddly guy...
or we would have had a speedy goodby!
So, think of me as you finish this reading....
you can bet it is time for another feeding!